Built as the original school in Akumal in 1990, in 1994 the facility was transformed into a library. Hekab Be Biblioteca de Akumal A.C. was first incorporated in 1998. The library has continuously provided a free after school program for local children, the Akumalenos.
Based on solid childhood education principles, the library faculty have historically created a wide variety of fun, engaging, hands-on, team-building, multi-dimensional experiences each day for the students in attendance. The goal is to keep the children excited about learning, and allow them to experience the richness of opportunity available to them so they will stay in school and open more possibilities for their future.
Throughout all of the years, 100% of the funding is from donations! Never receiving any government funding, the quality of the program is supported by generous individuals and local businesses.
In 2008, a US non-profit was created to help the library with fundraising support, Hekab Be Biblioteca, Inc.