Accomplishing Together

Wonderful work through a variety of local and regional organizations helps us to effect positive change in our community.

Transforma Educando Akumal /
Akumal Community Center
A key partner of the Akumal Arts Festival, the Community Center hosts many of the workshops offered by the generous artists of the arts festival.
With the Gwen Josh Foundation we sponsored a Soup Kitchen during COVID19 in Fall 2020. 18,000 meals were provided over a 3 month period.
Supporting the discipline of Tae Kwan Do for pueblo youth, David Moskovitz, RBC Wealth and Akumal Villas provided the funds to build a cancha/sports couirt on the community center grounds.
Tortuga Escondida Residency Center hosts community center Tae Kwan Do camps in addition to a teacher training camp.
Together with a local funder, the Akumal Arts Festival partnered with TEA to build a cooking kitchen at the secondary school.

Fiscal Sponsorship
Mayan Eagles Cycling, Pac Chen Bike Support

Akumal Monkey Sanctuary
Fiscal Sponsorship
The Akumal Monkey Sanctuary has been an enjoyable and practical collaboration for Hekab Be Biblioteca. Students have participated in a number of different experiential learning activities hosted by Sanctuary staff.